mariPOC® ensures lower probability for C. difficile misdiagnosis with precision
mariPOC® ensures lower probability for C. difficile misdiagnosis with precision
mariPOC® CDI test is a highly accurate antigen detection based test developed to detect both Clostridium difficile GDH and toxins A/B from a single stool sample. Following recommendations and guidelines is simple
with automated mariPOC®. It enables accurate, straightforward and cost-efficient CDI testing.
Overlapping symptoms makes it challenging to identify the pathogen causing the gastroenteritis. By running the multianalyte mariPOC® gastro and CDI test from the same sample, the identification can be broadened to norovirus GII.4 and GI, rotavirus, adenovirus and campylobacter.
Excellent performance of mariPOC® CDI test was demonstrated in recently published study
Newly launched mariPOC® CDI test was evaluated in the fall of 2017, at Vaasa Central Hospital in Finland. According to the study, including 337 patient samples, the sensitivity of mariPOC® toxin A/B test was higher than the commonly used membrane enzyme immunoassay. The specificity of mariPOC® toxin A/B test was 100% compared to molecular method. Furthermore, the mariPOC® GDH test showed high sensitivity and specificity making the test one of the most accurate on the market.
The automated result interpretation and flexible sample feed were highly appreciated in the study when compared to other antigen detection tests.
Read more: Savolainen R, et al. (2018) ECCMID, Madrid, Spain. Abstract and poster #P2273.
Welcome to discuss with mariPOC® representatives in ICDS 12th to 14th September 2018, Bled, Slovenia.